Top 5 Aviation Gift Ideas
Top 5 Aviation Gift Ideas 
The best kinds of gifts are those that match the receiver’s lifestyle. If you have an aviator in your life, an aviation-themed gift is sure to be welcome. Piloting a private plane requires specific skills and equipment. Giving gifts that make the experience easier is a wonderful way to show you care. Here are some gift ideas for aviators.
Aviator Sunglasses
Protect your favorite aviator’s eyes. Sunlight seems brighter and ultraviolet rays are more intense at higher altitudes. Even occasional exposure to these rays can damage the eyes, and every pilot should own at least one pair of quality aviator sunglasses. Make sure you choose those created not just for style but also for the UV ray protection an aviator needs.
Flight Bag
A flight bag is a bag specifically designed for pilots. It is compact enough not to take up too much room in the cockpit, yet it has sturdy pockets to hold the necessary gear, such as a GPS unit, maps, sunglasses, headsets, manuals, first aid kits and more. Choose from leather or heavy-duty nylon, keeping in mind the weight. If your aviator will be carrying heavy items, choose a heavy-duty nylon bag instead of a leather bag, as leather weighs more.
Airplane GPS Receiver
There are several styles of aviation GPS devices. Many of the newest airplane GPS receivers provide navigational functions plus weather and airport information. This is an invaluable piece of technology for anyone piloting personal aircraft, and your aviator is sure to appreciate it.
Flight Jackets
Help an aviator stay warm when flying – purchase a new flight jacket. You can find men or women’s sizes in cotton, leather or heavy nylon. These are stylish jackets that look so good even non-aviators can be seen wearing them. The traditional colors are brown, black or green, but you can also find them in khaki or blue.
An aviation headset has the dual-function of noise-reduction and allowing the pilot to communicate with others in the plane or on the ground. There are many styles of headsets and individual aviators preferences may vary – before buying this wonderful gift, try to learn if the aviator prefers a specific model.